What is Sports Massage?

As early as 3000BC, the Chinese have practiced massage to cure ailments and improve general health. In fact, the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians and all major civilizations, including today’s western modern medicine, have recognised the benefits of massage.
Sports Massage is a specific type of massage developed over thousands of years. It is a blend of Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Neuromuscular and Trigger Point techniques; which are designed to improve and maintain soft tissues of the body, prevent injury and aid recovery of the body’s muscular systems.
Whether you’re a professional athlete or just like to keep fit. If you like to push yourself to your physical limits through movements such as running, cycling, hiking etc or simply exert yourself through strenuous daily activities for example, at work, mothers with small children, gardening etc – Sports Massage can help you!
Physical Benefits
- Relieve Muscular Tension
- Relieve Stresses on Joints, Ligaments & Tendons
- Break Down Scar Tissue
- Prevent Injury
- Improve Flexibility of muscles, ligaments and tendons
Physiological Benefits
- Relieve lower back pain
- Relieve neck pain
- Ease headaches
- Induces relaxation
- Increase both blood and lymphatic circulation
Psychological Benefits
- Reduce anxiety / stress
- Reduce fatigue
- Regulates Hormones, such as; Dopamine, Serotonin, Adrenaline and Cortisol